Elect Ryan Bent for First Vice-Chairman of the OCGOP!


Ryan has a proven track record of service within our party, was previously named OCGOP’s “Community College Trustee of the Year” at the annual elected official awards, was named an OCGOP “Volunteer of the Month,” was recognized by his City Council for being an influential community member “whose leadership has played a key role in the city’s history,” and he received the “Hold the Line Award” from the Conservative Patriots of Orange County.  He has won three elections against Democrats with big teachers union support, and he represents parts of 6 cities in Orange County and 2 cities in Los Angeles County.  He has also worked on campaigns at the national, state, and local levels, including races for President, CA Attorney General, CA Assembly, City Council, and School Board.  Ryan has also been featured multiple times on the Democrat Party of Orange County’s social media sites as a major enemy, so nothing would piss them off more than making him OCGOP’s First Vice-Chairman.


Ryan’s priority as your First Vice-Chairman is to help grow the party and enable us to start winning again.  A decade of losing ground to the Democrat Party must end immediately and we need to work together to make necessary course corrections.  My goals are to improve relationships and re-engage with our grassroots volunteers, establish a farm system to ensure every incumbent Democrat has an opponent so they no longer win unopposed, and ensure every Republican elected official has potential successors who are well-qualified, trained, and ready to be considered for future openings.  This is a strategy and approach that will empower our OCGOP Central Committee Members to get more involved within their respective Assembly District cities so they can additionally assist our future success in a more decentralized and locally involved way.  Lastly, Ryan will demand transparency on behalf of our Central Committee Members and be a trusted voice that calls for crucial checks and balances.


Ryan has held several elected and appointed positions within his community, including as a Community College District Trustee, City Commissioner, UC Irvine Program Advisory Board Member, Community Emergency Response Team Member, and has previously served as NOCCCD's Board President, a local School Site Council Chairman, PTA Legislative Advocacy Chairman, City General Plan Advisory Committee Vice Chairman, and University MBA Program Advisory Council Member.  He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Master’s in Public Administration (MPA), Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), Post-Master’s in Higher Education Leadership (Ed.S.), is weeks away from completing a Doctorate in Higher Education Administration (Ph.D.), and has Certificates in Finance, Higher Education Leadership, and a Master Certificate in Federal Financial Management (MCFFM). 



Current Situation

Are we better off than we were 10 years ago?

Election Night 2024

Ryan Bent is respected by Republicans

Ryan Bent fights against radical leftists and the tyranny of the minority

Ryan Bent is despised by the Democrats

Trustee Photos, North Orange County Community College District

(Fullerton College, Cypress College, and North Orange Continuing Education)